My name is Guillaume Kucia and I am a full-stack developer in Montpellier, specialized in designing high-performance web solutions. I opt for a combination of powerful technologies—Tailwind CSS, SvelteKit, NestJS, and Supabase for database management, along with other tools such as Electron and Hasura—that allow me to create comprehensive applications, from user interface to backend, while adhering to clean code principles for a clear and maintainable architecture.
Thanks to Tailwind CSS, I can quickly style interfaces that are both responsive and adaptive. SvelteKit, on the other hand, simplifies and speeds up front-end development, thus providing a smooth and intuitive user experience. For the backend, I rely on NestJS for its robustness and modular architecture, and on Supabase for efficient and flexible database management, which facilitates the creation of scalable applications.
I also master a wide range of tools and technologies, including React Native for mobile development, Node.js for server-side solutions, and C# for developing robust applications. My expertise extends to technologies such as Electron for creating desktop applications and Hasura for managing GraphQL APIs.
My commitment to technical excellence and code quality makes me the ideal partner for projects requiring precision and innovation. To discover the extent of my skills and see my recent projects, I invite you to visit my portfolio.
If you are interested in collaborating or discussing a project, please do not hesitate to contact me via LinkedIn at Guillaume Kucia. Together, let's transform your ideas into exceptional and sustainable digital solutions.